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Le prince Daniel de Suède annonce la naissance de leur bébé lors d'une conférence de presse à l'hôpital Karolinska à Stockholm. La princesse Victoria de Suède a accouché d'un petit garçon, dans la journée du 2 mars 2016. Il pèse 3,655 kg et mesure 52 cm. Stockholm 2016-03-02 Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel have had a son On Wednesday March 2 at 08.28 pm, Crown Princess Victoria gave birth to a son at Karolinska hospital in Stockholm. Weight: 3655 gram Length: 52 cm Both mother and child are in good health. Prince Daniel was present at the hospital throughout the birth. Prince Daniel also met with media at the hospital and told around 30 journalists and photographers about the great news and their happiness.02/03/2016 - Stockholm