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Exclusif - Prix Spécial - No Web No Blog - Madonna, de bonne humeur, et son fils Rocco Ritchie arrivent au théâtre pour assister au spectacle "You Me Bum Bum Train" à Londres. Le 16 avril 2016 Exclusive - For Germany Call for price - No Web No Blog - Madonna emerges for the first time since photos of her son Rocco appeared showing him smoking a suspicious cigarette and drinking cider under a bridge. Madonna appeared in good spirits and seems to have forgiven her 15-year-old son, as the pair were seen going to the theatre together in Soho. However the performance was a rather unusual one. The went to see "You Me Bum Bum Train" which is billed as an Interactive theatre performance, devised by Kate Bond and Morgan Lloyd in 2004. The show is notoriously difficult to get tickets for, with some people waiting months to get hold of them, yet Madonna and Rocco strolled straight in. They arrived at 11pm, and left at 12.20am. Finding out what the pair made of the show could prove tricky though, as the venue has a strict non disclosure policy everyone must sign before entering...even for the queen of pop!16/04/2016 - Londres