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EXCLUSIF - PREMIERES IMAGES DE AMANDA KNOX DEPUIS SON RETOUR. PENDANT 4 ANS, ELLE RESIDAIT EN ITALIE OU ELLE ETAIT ACCUSE DE MEURTRE. DU FAIT DE SON INNOCENCE, ELLE A PU RENTRER AUX ETATS UNIS ET RETROUVER UNE VIE NORMALE, COMME ALLER FAIRE DU SHOPPING ET SE RENDRE A L'UNIVERSITE 8762803 EXCLUSIVE... Exclusive First Pictures: Amanda Knox made her way to the local Buffalo Exchange store to do some shopping in the Seattle area of Washington on February 12, 2012. She later strolled around the University of Washington campus as she tries to return to a normal life since returning to the United States after spending nearly four years in Italy for murder charges that were later overturned resulting in her release to return home.12/02/2012 - SEATTLE